What’s In It For Me?
When you become a member, the benefits are a true return on your investment. There are many reasons to join:
401(K) – Members can enroll their employees in a TAG & Transamerica 401(K) Retirement Plan Exchange plan, which combines many other small businesses into one pool, allowing member businesses to offer this benefit to their employees.
Advertising & Marketing – Through weekly newsletter promotions, advertising opportunities, business directory listings, business showcases, Business of the Month, Business Spotlight of the Week, and program sponsorships, you gain access to each Chamber member. When you join the Chamber, you will receive a certificate for a free 8”x10” ad in the Tift Grapevine and special pricing for an ad in The Tifton Gazette.
AirMedCare Membership – Chamber members receive a discount when completing an AirMedCare membership application.
Ambassadors – Chamber members can volunteer to serve as Ambassadors. They assist on behalf of the Chamber by welcoming new members and helping with Chamber projects and functions.
Sunset Tifton – Sunset Tifton is a networking event that takes place in the evenings as a social event. This program can be sponsored by 1-3 members.
Business Referrals – The Chamber receives daily inquiries on where to find products and services in our area. Our policy is to refer CHAMBER MEMBERS ONLY! We also encourage Chamber members to use other Chamber members for products and services.
Community Information – The Chamber provides up-to-date information about Tifton and Tift County for our members, businesses, and newcomers. We also have a brochure rack in our office that many visitors and newcomers utilize to find information about Tifton.
Chamber 411 – As a Chamber we ensure our members are kept up to date with the latest happenings of the Chamber and the town via weekly newsletters, emails, social media postings, and our website.
Chamber SMART Insurance Plan – Chamber members with 2-50 employees can receive a discount on group medical insurance with a Blue Cross/Blue Shield insurance program offered through local Chamber members agents. The Chamber has partnered with several insurance provider members to make this product available to our members.
“Drugs Don’t Work” – Chamber members can take advantage of our local DDW Program. A certified drug-free business can save 7.5% on worker’s compensation insurance premiums. On-site substance abuse education is available. For more information visit www.gachamber/com/affiliates/drugs
Education – Chamber members are able to attend Lunch and Learn sessions where they can educate themselves on business-related topics, such as effectively using social media, how to apply for grants, and more.
Events – We provide information on upcoming and special events in the area. We post these to our website, calendar, and on social media.
Legislative Action – We keep you informed on key issues affecting your business through the Governmental Affairs Committee, Legislative Breakfasts, and legislative updates at our monthly membership meetings.
Publications – The Chamber Focus is the Chamber’s quarterly publication that includes updates on events, welcomes new members, recognizes renewing members, and showcases member ribbon cuttings and groundbreakings. The Tifton Gazette. Membership directories are printed every year and are available for all our members.
Ribbon Cuttings & Groundbreakings – As a new member you can host a ribbon cutting or groundbreaking. The event will be advertised to all our members to inform them of your business. Photos and a brief writeup of the event will be published in The Tifton Gazette, the Tifton Grapevine, shared on our social media accounts, and will be included in the Chamber Focus.
Meeting Space – Members may book the Civic Room at the Chamber to hold meetings, free of charge. The space can be configured to fit your needs and has the capability to show presentations on a large screen.
Social Media – It is important for businesses and organizations to reach people where they are, and almost everyone is on social media. As a Chamber we strive to make our presence known and to promote our members on social media. It is also a great way to stay updated on events and activities.
Website – Visit the Chamber’s website to see our events, the calendar, and the Member Directory. Members may also post job openings, update their member information, and make payments online.